Wednesday, 17 July 2019

WiFi track my every move

So my WiFi enabled printer got me thinking.

Obviously this thing is not just a gaping security hole in any network but also a blatant kick in the pants for privacy...
Oh, you want me to print a document? From your phone? On the same network? Oh... I'm just going to send your document to one of our servers somewhere in the world, but don't worry!
Well, who cares about that right? I mean it's not like we cant be reasonably sure that all our '''''private''''' data isn't being aggregated by at least a few different agencies. (And if you tell me it's too much data for anyone to sift through, I've got a blog post coming for that.)

No, what I mean is, my WiFi enabled printer REALLY got me thinking.

Have you heard about using capacitance signals from WiFi radio antenna to learn about people's locations? Turns out that using a hacked WiFi router, it's entirely possible for someone to track your location as you walk around your house. There was a story about how this was used in a real crime investigation that I have to dig out.

In fact this technique has been refined to not just track location, but also to perform 'pose estimation'. So in theory, and with some learning, your ISP could be monitoring how much time you spend taking a shit.

But that's just your ISP (or the half a million routers controlled by the people behind VPNFilter). I mean meh.

Have you ever heard of primary surveillance radar? In particular how it can be used to create a virtual passive radar system?

Putting the pieces together can't you imagine sitting outside someone's house and just passively monitoring their every move? Or, using a network of WiFi signals, everyone's every move? What? Too paranoid?

Indeed, if precise enough, can't you imagine your WiFi enabled printer quietly relaying your heart rate, your respiration rate and your blink rate back 'home'?

So next time you're in a jihadist fueled ferver about the latest post you read on the Daily Mail, unplug your fucking printer.

OK, so this is sci-fi, but in my next post I want to talk about how all this data can be aggregated to create a nation state simulation within which everything we do is carefully surveilled.

All in the name of a good old fashioned delusional paranoid fervor.

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